
Американка за два года похудела более чем на 100 кг

Меган Си из города Бродвей, Вирджиния весила почти 200 кг. Девушке была тяжело даже завязать шнурки. Проблема ожирения была всегда в семье Меган. Она была зависима от еды, и это усугубилось после родов.

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Updated my progress pics this morning. Still hanging in the 180s even though I'm clean bulking to build more muscle. I've gained an inch on my bicep since may. The loose skin does make it harder to see the changes my bodies going through but I can feel it and sometimes see it when I flex. Weightloss was a breeze compared to clean natural muscle building which can take years to achieve noticeable results. But I'm loving what I'm doing so I will stick with it! As we approach year end I've been reflecting back on this years goals. I've achieved my goal weight in May and should have my 12 runs in. In july I met my goal of finishing a 5k in under 30 min. The only goal I have left to finish is a half marathon! Which I think will help me focus more on weight lifting after I've marked this last goal off my list Anyone interested in a virtual half with me?? #weightlosstransformation #fitnesstransformation #fitbythirty #plussizefitness #beatingobesity #obesetobeast #workingmom #workingmomlife #nosurgerytransformation #nocaloriecounting #nodiets #gains #betterhealth #cleanbulk #weightloss #transformationpics #progresspics #nsv #bodypositivity #looseskinpride #looseskin #excessskin #excessskinpride #keepingmyskin

A post shared by Meghan See (@seemeghan) on Nov 10, 2019 at 9:30am PST

Когда вес Меган достиг отметки в 190 килограммов, ее здоровье начало резко ухудшаться: она уже не могла нормально двигаться и ее начали мучить сильные боли из-за артрита. Когда американка поняла, что не может заниматься воспитанием дочки, то решила кардинально изменить свою жизнь.


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Do you think macyn remembers the old me? The I'm to tired to play me? The I dont have time for this I need a break me? The why do you want so much from me? The sorry I need to sit down me? The let's go out to eat instead of going to the children's museum me? The let's just sit and watch tv together for hours me? You bet. Shes a smart girl but shes a kid so shes 100% honest. She tells me she remembers me when I was big. She remembers the things i couldnt do. She still occasionally points out things i can do with her now that I use to not be able too. After all it has only been less then 2 years ago. Kids are self centered it's just natural after all the world doesnt revolve around the sun it most definitely revolves around them. But they remember. Because of this occasionally I'm reminded by my sweet child how much we use to miss out on that we can now enjoy together. Weightloss to me isnt about looks or progress pics. It's about health and quality of life. I'm not the person to come to for tips on losing that last 10lbs. Those 10lbs are your movie nights with popcorn and occassional holiday treats. Those 10lbs are late night ice cream dates and ballpark hotdogs. But if you want to know what it's like to live on the other side of morbid obesity to have your life long food addiction finally be controlled put behind you and know what happens when you finally realize foods not the best part of life then come talk to me. I can tell you it takes work and commitment and it's hard. But I can also tell you it feels like you never really lived at all. That just like any substance that people get addicted too food controls you… when your addicted to food your not in control of your life. Your letting fastfood companies take your paycheck. Your letting restaurants steal your time. Your letting food take your life. Dont let food control you because life is worth living. Everyday is a blessing. A chance to add to your story. You can write whatever you want or you can let food do it for you… #overcomingobesity #obesetobeast #workingmom #foodaddictionrecovery #eattolivenotlivetoeat #extremeweightloss #flashbackfriday #obesity #beatingobesity #foodaddiction #friday

A post shared by Meghan See (@seemeghan) on Oct 18, 2019 at 6:03am PDT

Сначала Меган вычеркнула из рациона фаст-фуд и сладости и начала питаться по специальной диете. И она стала ходить часто пешком. Усилия дали результат, и девушка похудела за год на 50 кг. А после записалась в зал.

За неполных два года Меган похудела на 113 килограммов, и сейчас ее вес составляет 77 килограммов. Ее здоровье стало значительно лучше, теперь она много времени проводит со своей дочкой и мужем. Они вместе ходят в походы, парки развлечений и путешествуют. Однако одна проблема осталась, с которой девушка сейчас борется, — обвисшая кожа.

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I went to Mississippi and lost 8 lbs in a week…the state with the 2nd highest obesity rate. Obesity itself isnt contagious. You cant catch a bad case of the fat gain from a friend or a spouse. Obesity is caused by our choices. Yes it can be difficult to stick to a healthy lifestyle when your around others that aren't as focused on their health as you. Yes statistics say if you were born into an overweight family your more likely to be overweight. Yes statistics say if you were overweight as a child your more likely to be overweight as a kid. There are statistics on EVERYTHING! You can use statistics as an excuse or you can choose to be the change in the statistic you want to change. They say it takes 3 generations to overcome obesity. I refuse to let my family be a part of that statistic. Because in the end of the day it's not about what statistics say..its about what you say. What you choose. What you do. If we all support each other encourage each other we can help change these statistics. We can be the change we want in our own lives. WebMD claims 80% of people that loose large amounts of weight quickly will regain it all back or more. As someone who lost 240lbs in 17 months that statistic use to haunt me. Terrify me that its possible for all of my hard work to be undone in a short amount of time. Now I use it to motivate me encourage me to keep pushing keep encouraging others. To keep focusing on creating and keeping this lifestyle I love. Dont use statistics as an excuse not to try. Use them to educate and prepare yourself to beat those odds. Your success is up to you and no one else if you truely believe that then no statistic can stop you. #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #newyearsresolution #obesity #beatingobesity #obesetobeast #workingmom #workingmomlife #nosurgerytransformation #nocaloriecounting

A post shared by Meghan See (@seemeghan) on Oct 13, 2019 at 3:51pm PDT

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